The story of a donkey-Aziz
Site story in the Quran:
The story is mentioned in Surat Al-Baqarah verse 259, "The believers, verses 30-31
He says in Sura "The Cow" :
((Or like the one passed by the village is empty, said: "I pays tribute to God after death slew Him one hundred years, then sent he said, How to broadcast said broadcast a day or some day said, but soon a hundred years, look at your food and drink not Itnoh and look at your ass and make you a sign for people to the bone and see how then Nnczha Nksoha meat when he found out he said I know that God has power over all things (259)))
And he says in the Qur'an "repentance":
(( And the Jews say Ezra is the son of God and the Christians call Christ the Son of God That is their saying with their mouths, resembling the saying of those who disbelieved before God I fought Ezra (30) took their rabbis and their monks for lords besides Allah, Jesus son of Mary and ordered not to worship God and no one but God Almighty is what associates (31) ))
Story :
Isaac ibn Bishr said:
The Azira was a slave valid wise came out one day to menial his Itaahdha, when he finished he came to experience, while the afternoon and injury free, and entered the desolate is the donkey, went down on his donkey and his basket in which figs and a basket of the grapes, sat down under these dilapidated and pulled out a bowl with Vaatsr of grape, who was with him in the bowl and then remove the bread, dried him threw it in the bowl of dough in the juice to wet to eat, then lay on his back and assigned to his feet to the wall and saw the roof of the house and saw something which is based on Arroucha The Felt family and saw the bones, worn out, he said: {that I pays tribute to God after death} No doubt that God will give them life, but said it Tjba God sent the owner of death laid hold of his soul, God slew a hundred years.
When he came upon a hundred years, and was among the children of Israel in the things and events. He said: Then Allah sent to the property Uzair The uncertainty of his heart to his heart and his eyes it possible for consideration by the Viakl how God revives the dead. Then he rode behind him as he looked, and then encased in flesh and bones, hair and skin, and then breathed into him the soul of all that, he and unreasonable, sat up sitting king said to him how soon? He said to broadcast a day or some days, and that it was broadcast the day was at noon and sent in the last day and the sun has not been lost, he said:
Or some day and is not on me. King said to him: but soon a hundred years to see your food and drink, I mean food dry bread, and drink juice that has been Atzareth in the bowl are intact, if not changed, juice and crusty bread,
That is not saying Itnoh {} means no change, as well as figs and grapes, juicy, nothing has changed from the intact heart as if he denied the king said to him: denied what I said to you? Look at your ass. He looked to the donkey had worn his bones and became necrosis. Cried the king replied ass bones and turns on every side, even the king and his motorcade Uzair seen then dressed the veins and nerve, and then hung the meat, and Spring by the skin and hair, and then breathed into him the king stood up ass, raising his head and ears to the sky Naehgha Resurrection had thought.
That said {and look at your ass and make you a sign for people to see and to the bone How Nnczha then Nksoha meat} means and look at the bones of your ass how to ride each other in apart even if you become bones video donkey without meat, and then see how Nksoha meat {and when he found out he said I know that God, all things} to revive the dead and the others.
He said: he rode his donkey until he came to Mahlth Vonl people and denied the people and denied his home, He went on the illusion of him until he came to his house, he is an Bajuz blind crippled had come by one hundred and twenty years was a nation for them, got them Uzair daughter is twenty years old and was known and Aklth, when he hit old age hit time, said to her, Uzair: O Is this house Uzair said: Yes, this house Uzair. Wept and said: "I never saw anyone from such and such years Azira The people have forgotten. I said I was God Uzair Omatne hundred years and then sent me. She said: "Hallelujah! The Azira had lost a hundred years ago did not hear him state. He said: I said I Uzair: Azira the man answered the call for the sick and the scourge, health and healing, then pray for God to respond to visual so you see the Azira knew.
He said: he called his Lord and clear with his hand over her eyes Vsahta and took her hand and said: Dress, God willing. Fired is incorrect, as if her legs Ctt arose from a headband, I looked, she said: "I testify that you are Ezra.
And began the locality to the children of Israel, who are in their clubs and councils, and the son of Shaykh Ibn Ezra is one hundred years old and eighteen years old and built the structure of the elders in the Council, Vadthm She said: "This has come Uzair. Vkzboha, said: "I am so and so Mullackm called me Lord replied optical and fired my feet, and claimed that God willed for a hundred years old and sent him. He said: got people piled Venzeroa to him and said his son: My father had a black mole between his shoulders. Revealed the shoulders and he saw Uzair. She said the children of Israel: it was not us, one to save the Torah what is narrated is Uzair was burning Nebuchadnezzar Torah did not keep such a thing but what saved the men, type them to us and his father was Sroja had buried the Torah days Nebuchadnezzar in the subject did not know a non-Uzair, launching them to the Position Vhfarh Fastkrj the Torah and had mold paper and studied the book.
He said: He sat under a tree in Israel and built around the Torah and renewing them came down from heaven Shihaban even entered his stomach. Vjaddedha remember the Torah to the children of Israel, it is then said to the Jews: Ezra is the son of God, for the one who was ordered Alshihabin and renewal of the Torah and he ordered the children of Israel, and the new Torah to them the land of black player Haskell, and the village which he died is said to have Sayer Obaz.
Ibn Abbas said: It was as God said: {and make you a sign for people} means the children of Israel, and that he was sitting with his sons, who are the elders of a young man because he died forty years old, the son of God Fbosh its original form on a young man died.
Ibn Abbas said: sent after Nebuchadnezzar also said Hassan Abu Hatem was sang Alsjstani in the meaning of what was said by Ibn Abbas:
Black man and the head of his son before him and before him *** I'm his son, it is the largest
See his son sheikh alternative *** on a stick and a black beard and head Blonde
And tricks to his son and does not force virtue *** The boy walks as Viosr
His son is in people ninetieth argument *** not being twenty and not strutting
And the age of forty her father and the son of his son *** Ninety people foster
What is reasonable in that you Daria *** you do not know and could not be Vpaljhl
Known that Azira of the Prophets of Israel and that he was among David and Solomon and Zachariah, John, and that what did not remain in the children of Israel kept the Bible inspired by God saved Vsrdha the Children of Israel, he said Wahab bin alarm: God is king sat down knowing of light Vqzvha in Uzair Vensch Torah character by character until it was all of them.
Ibn Asaker from Ibn Abbas that he asked Abdullah ibn Salaam for Almighty Allah's saying: {And the Jews say Ezra is the Son of God} of what they said so? Said the children of Israel: Moses was unable to get us the Torah, except for books and Azira to us, it is not a book.
That is why many scientists say that the frequency of the Torah was lost in time Uzayr.
This vector is very Uzayr if not a prophet, as was said Ata ibn Abi Rabah, and Hasan al-Basri. As narrated by Ishaq ibn Bishr for fighter Bin Sulaiman, for tender, and Uthman ibn Ata Khorasani for his father, a fighter from Ata ibn Abi Rabah said: He was in the period of nine things: Nebuchadnezzar and the Sana'a Committee and the Committee of Sheba and the owners of the ditch and ordered Hassoura and the owners of the cave and the owners of the elephant and the City of Antioch and is followed.
And Isaac ibn Bishr said: Said told us, from Qatada, from al-Hasan, said the command of Ezra and Nebuchadnezzar in the period.
Has been proven correct in that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him said: "The first people I'm the son of Mary, it's not between me and him a prophet."
He gave Ben alarm: It was between Solomon and Jesus, peace be upon them.
The Ibn Asaker Anas ibn Malik and Ata ibn bulk Azira that was at the time of Moses, Ben-Omran, and that it did not ask permission to authorize him, I mean what was asked about the pot and it went away, he says: his death, the lesser of one hundred hours of humiliation.
In the meaning of the words Uzair hundred yoke of his death is easier than an hour because some of the poets:
May stand for free on the sword *** and disdains the patience to injustice
And affect the state of death *** unable to villages where the guest
As for what I'm told soldiers and others from Ibn Abbas and Nof Bakali and Sufian Revolutionary and others, that he asked for just his name from the complexion of the prophets said, is an evil and in consideration of his health, as if taken from Jewish sources.
The Al-Abdul Razzaq and Qutaybah bin Said Jaafar Bin Sulaiman Abu Omran, Joni, on Nov Bakali said: Uzair is conversing with his Lord: O Lord, create Vtdil created at will and guide whom you like? He was told: introduce this. He returned and was told: to have suffered from this or Omahon name of the prophets, I do not ask what I do and they ask, and this requires the occurrence of what threatened him if he returned what is erased.
The group's only narrated by al-Tirmidhi narrated from Yunus ibn Yazid, from Sa'id and Abu Salamah from Abu Hurayrah. It was narrated by Shuaib Abu trigger, the GIMP, from Abu Hurayrah said: The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: Inn of the Prophets under the tree Veldgth ant ordered Abjahazh taken out from underneath and then ordered them burned with fire, God revealed to him: Could ant one narrated Isaac ibn Bishr Ibn Gregg, Abd al-Wahhab ibn Mujahid, that his father Ezra, as well as narrated from Ibn Abbas and Hasan al-Basri that Uzair, God knows best.
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