السبت، 16 يناير 2010


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reda elkoolywrote:
5 minutes ago | Delete
reda elkoolywrote:
هل نستطيع جمع 10.000.000 مسلم على الفايسبوك ؟
المعجبون فقط

هل نستطيع جمع 10.000.000 مسلم على الفايسبوك ؟

حذار يا عرب من دهاء اليهودا لرجاء النشر ولكم الاجر
Can we collect 10.000.000 Muslim on Facebook? الرجاء من جميع الاخوة والاخوات المساهمة في نشر هذه الصفحة هل نستطيع جمع 10.000.000 مسلم على الفايسبوك ؟ http://www.facebook.com/pages/hl-nsty-jm-10000000-mslm-ly-lfysbwk-/170559489287?ref=mf شارك في نشرها وتذكر الدال على الخير كفاعله
3 days ago | Delete
Semra ...wrote:

"Neither your truth
nor mine is completly true!
Only if our truths are true for everyone,
then that is the actual truth.
And the reality is that makes
"ONE" "US' and "US''ONE".

"Ne senin doğrun tam olarak doğrudur,
ne de benim!
Eğer doğrularımız herkes için doğru ise,
işte o doğru" gerçek doğrudur.
Gerçek ise,"BİR"i "BİZ","BİZ"i de "BİR" yapandır ".

Wishing you have a lovely day my dear friend!

Much love,peace and greetings in your life always !

4 days ago | Delete
Semra ...wrote:

And this is a Book which We have sent down, bringing blessings, and confirming (the revelations) which came before it: that thou mayest warn the Mother of Cities (Makkah) and all around her. Those who believe in the Hereafter believe in this (Book), and they are constant in guarding their prayers.

Es ésta una Escritura bendita que hemos revelado, que confirma la revelación anterior, para que adviertas a la metrópoli y a los que viven en sus alrededores. Quienes creen en la otra vida, creen también en ella y observan su azalá.

Dies ist ein Buch, das Wir hinabsandten, voll des Segens, Erfüller dessen, was vor ihm war, auf daß du die Mutter der Städte und die rings um sie (Wohnenden) verwarnest. Die an das Kommende glauben, die glauben daran, und sie halten streng ihre Gebete.

Voici un Livre (le Coran) béni que Nous avons fait descendre, confirmant ce qui existait déjà avant lui, afin que tu avertisses la Mère des Cités (la Mecque) et les gens tout autour. Ceux qui croient au Jour dernier, y croient et demeurent assidus dans leur Salat.

İşte bu (Kur'an) da, bereket kaynağı, kendinden öncekileri (ilahi kitapları) tasdik eden ve şehirler anasını (Mekke'yi) ve bütün çevresini (tüm insanlığı) uyarasın diye indirdiğimiz bir kitaptır.Ahirete iman edenler, ona da inanırlar.Onlar namazlarını vaktinde kılarlar.
QURAN -6/92

I hope you a wonderful Monday and good start new week my dear friend!

Thanks for your beautıful comment.

Much love,success ,healthy,happiness and big hugs for you!

Allah bless you !


5 days ago | Delete
reda elkoolywrote:
6 days ago | Delete

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